I Miss Jamie When She’s Gone


WRITER/DIRECTOR: Ashley Thompson
PRODUCER: Judy Febles
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Jordan Phelps, Vincent Martell, Eugene Sun Park
COMPANIES: VAM Studio, Full Spectrum Features
GENRE: Drama
FORMAT: Short Film
STATUS: Festivals


I Miss Jamie When She's Gone is a millennial, coming of age story. It centers around two sisters returning to the suburbs of Chicago ten months after their father's sudden death. Upon arrival, they discover that their mother's hoarding has reached a concerning level, and the sisters begin the emotional task of cleaning out the home. The disrepair of their childhood residence is a metaphor for their mother's deteriorating mental state, but the sisters embark on a cathartic weekend of dusting off wounds and reconciliation.

About the Creator


A photographer turned filmmaker, Ashley Thompson is a curious person whose work focuses on people's capacity for intimacy. She aims to explore the varying definitions of love and what it means to have responsibility for another's growth. The push/pull of relationships, the bend before the break. She likes flowers and when strangers exchange words through their eyes. She wants to show the ways in which vulnerability is a strength. Her work has been exhibited on a number of press outlets including the Chicago Reader, Billboard, Paper Magazine, Indiewire, OUT, Elle, Apple Music, Pitchfork, and Teen Vogue.